Can We Talk About the Double Space After a Period?
But at closer inspection, my face fell. The notes and markups from this writing group were all about my spacing after the period! I had to throw hands. I wasn’t having any of it. If there is one thing that I’ll stick to my guns about, it’s this:

How Writing is Like the Cat Distribution System
The writing process is like the Cat Distribution System, isn’t it? If you’ve ever been adopted by a stray cat, you’ve been a recipient of this system. If writing comes easy to you, you’re one of the lucky ones: words come to you like the surprise caresses of a stray cat purring at your ankles.

The Inner Critic is a Writer’s Worst Nightmare
Do successful writers just pump out brilliant prose without fighting an inner critic? First, no, writing does not come easy to even the most skilled and craftiest writers. And second, not everyone is writing the same stuff; it may be the same topic, it may even be the same perspective.